Trying to win a phone DESPERATELY!!!

2011 November 14
by linda

10.30 PM

Husband: What do you think about something geeky, something edible?

Me: Whattt??? (was doing the laundry and barely heard anything)

Husband: What is something geeky, something edible?

Me: What is that? I don’ t get it.

10.45 PM

Silent… I was sitting doing getting ready to watch my Cake Boss.

Husband: How long can you make a cake for me?

Me: What??? (confused because he hates cake and barely ate one)

Then he told me that he want to win this phone (don’t know what brand, can’t remember, not sure). He asked me to bake a cake to look like an android logo. I said the eggs are at the fridge and need time to get them at room temperature.

He said it  need to be green and asked me to bake something simple and green like a chiffon pandan cake (thinking that Pandan is green). I can’t contained my self from laughing. Yeah, after it is baked and ready the top of the cake is going to be yellowish brown and not green. How about slicing the top off.

I said I don’t like to make something that is going to look crap (excuse me) and not planned. Finally, he gave up and said that’s ok. I said you should tell me this afternoon then I am much more prepared.

11.15 PM

Me: What do you think of fondant? How about making the android thing from fondant. It is edible and sure look geeky enough.

Husband: Ok let’s do it.

This is the Android that I made from fondant under 1 hour without the drying process. It is soft and we were struggling to take a decent photograph (the camera is crap anyway). I tried my best :)

Please GOOGLE let him win, pretty pleaseeeeeeeeee….. This was my hard work and he was kinda pushy LOL and desperate to win this phone.

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One Response leave one →
  1. 2011 November 16

    Aww, that is soo cute! Haha. I just got my android phone a week or so ago and I think your little guy is a pretty good interpretation!! :)

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