I sell
- LAPIS LEGIT (size 19x19x 5 cm)
- both available in original and prune
- with wysman butter $65 (original), $75 (prune)
- with red feather butter $55 (original), $65 (prune)
- LAPIS SURABAYA (picture coming soon)
- filling between layer: strawberry jam, pineapple jam or butter cream
- Original (without any frosting) (19×19 cm=30 eggs) $45 (24×24 cm=45 eggs) $65
- with butter cream/swiss meringue butter cream and grated cheese (19×19 cm=30 eggs) $55 (24×24 cm=45 eggs) $75
- BOLU GULUNG (Indonesian swiss roll) $10 (picture coming soon)
- filling between layer: strawberry jam, butter cream or whipped cream
- KUE SUS(Indonesian choux pastry) $1 each
- minimum order of 50
- BLACK FOREST (19X 19 cm) $45
- Various Indonesian cookies ($10 for 250gr), minimum order of 500 gr each
- NASTAR (Pineapple cookies)
- KASTENGEL (Cheese cookies)
- RISOLES $1.80 each
- minimum order of 50
- available in chicken ragout and beef mince vegetable
- receive a complimentary peanut sauce or sambal chilli sauce
- CHICKEN SIU MAI$1.20 each
- minimum order of 50
- could come in frozen or freshly steamed
- receive a complimentary sambal chilli sauce
- serve up to 15 people
- price starts from $ 180 (depend on the menu chosen, please email to inquire)
- Menu Tumpeng (available to suit your taste and budget)
- Nasi Kuning
- Perkedel Kentang (Fried Mashed Potato)
- Tahu Bacem (Sweet Fried Tofu)
- Tempe Bacem (Sweet Fried Tempe)
- Dadar Gulung (Fried Omelet)
- Mie Goreng Ulang Tahun (Fried Egg Noddle)
- Ayam Panggang Kecap Kalasan (Grilled Chicken)
- Ayam Goreng Kunyit (Fried Turmeric Chicken)
- Ayam Panggang Santan (Grilled Chicken with Coconut Sauce)
- Beef/Chicken Rendang
- Sambal Goreng Ati (Chilli Chicken/Beef Liver)
- Sambal Udang Petai (Chili Prawn with Petai)
- Sambal Teri Kacang (Chilli Anchovies and Peanut)
- Telur Balado (Chilli Egg)
- Telur Pindang (Soy Egg)
- Urap Sayuran (Traditional Asian Salad with Coconut)
- Sambal Terasi (Sambal with shrimp paste)
- Sate Ayam (Chicken Satay) serve with peanut sauce, cucumber and red onion
- Sate Babi (Pork Satay) serve with pickled cucumber
- Please note that the platter may not fit everything so we will provide containers to pack additional rice and other menu ordered if needed
- to ask for price details please inquire through email
- Jajanan includes
- Klepon
- Kue Sus
- Kue Lapis Pepe/Sagu
- Kue Dadar Gulung Pandan
- Kue Lapis Singkong
- Getuk Pelangi Gulung
- Kue Bolu Kukus
- Kue Talam Ubi
- Lepet Ubi
- Risoles
- Lemper
- Cenil Sate
- Pukis (original, coklat, keju, nenas)
- Kue ku (kacang ijo, kacang tanah, wijen hitam)
- Tahu isi/berontak
- Kue ketan Srikaya
- Semar Mendam
- Pastel
- Kue bolu kukus pelangi
- Pandan Chiffon cake
- Indo Cheese Cake
- Lapis Surabaya
- Lapis Legit
Order is only available in Sydney region only, to order please email me at linda.kurniawan@gmail.com
9 Responses
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Ibu…….kue2nya ini enak banget.
kue dadar, tahu isi,klepon,lemper ayam panggang,kue ku, ada cucur ngak?
cara pesannya gimana?
ps. mimimum pesannan berapa kalau utk makan sendiri,thanks;-)
Hi Teresa,
Kue Cucur belum ada. Cara pesannya email aja ke linda.kurniawan@gmail.com. Nanti saya kirimkan pricelistnya. Trus saya ada facebook page my kitchen produce juga. Lebih sering updates disana.
Ps. Jangan panggil ibu hahhaha.. saya belum 30
berasanya tua banget ya hahahah
saya mau pesen lapis legit original gimana caranya? kapan bs ada? saya d sydney pyrmont
can i knw is the lapis legit dry or bit dense inside? how long to order?
Hi Livi,
Thanks udah like my page on facebook. Mau order bisa 2-3 hari sebelumnya kalo hari biasa tapi kalo buat weekend let me know 1 week sebelumnya ya. Aku juga di pyrmont. Email aja alamatnya ke linda.kurniawan@gmail.com nanti aku kasi contact number. Thanks Live
Hi Linda,
minta dong facebooknya.thanks.
hallo cik saya mau tanya cik linda anter daerah west?
saya juga di daerah west, di the ponds. punya facebook ga? kalo ada ke facebook page My Kitchen Produce ya, atau ke linda.kurniawan@gmail.com, ntar contact no nya di inbox or email ya. Thanks
hello cik
saya minta nomer telephone