Kwetiau Goreng

2010 April 22

Still kind of sleepy, need more hibernation (thank you Sesame Street for the word suggestion) moment ZZzzzzz… This is the kind of meal I cook for brunch on Saturday. Quick and easy to cook, no hassle what so ever and could fill up hungry tummy. The most important thing is my little one absolutely loves them so no need to cook another meal. Try this out for your lazy cook day.

A little information about Kwetiau Goreng for those of you who have no clue about them. Kwetiau Goreng is also known as Cha Kwetiau or Fried Rice Noodles. It is a common dish in most Asian household, especially Indonesian, Malaysian and Singaporean. You definitely could find it in Asian food court and hawker stalls.

Kwetiau Goreng


  • 500 gr rice noodle
  • 3 cloves of garlic, sliced
  • 2 cloves of shallot, sliced
  • 3 small chillies or according to your preferences
  • 1 tomato, cut into wedges
  • prawns or chicken or beef or pork (I used beef balls)
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp of sweet soy sauce or as needed (When added to the noodles, stop when the noodle is brown enough)
  • 1 tbsp of fish sauce
  • salt and white pepper
  • 1 tbsp of tomato sauce
  • oil for stir frying
  • bean sprout ans slices of spring onions to serve


  1. Heat a generous amount of oil in the wok.
  2. Add garlic and shallot to the wok. Stir for couple of minutes.
  3. Add chillies and tomatoes and stir for couple of minutes.
  4. Add the meat to the wok. Add little bit of salt and stir until they are cooked.
  5. Add eggs and add little bit of salt and stir and let it sit for 1 minute.
  6. Add the rice noodle and stir so that the wet egg could coat the noodles.
  7. Add sweet soy sauce, fish sauce, tomato sauce, white pepper and stir again.
  8. Taste and add salt if necessary.
  9. Serve with bean sprout and spring onion.
  • If you cook this dish for small children, leave the chillies in whole, do not slice.

Preparation time (duration): 20

Culinary tradition: Asian

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!!

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2 Responses leave one →
  1. 2010 May 19

    waw . . delicious . . i l,like it . . .

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  1. Kwetiau Siram | My Kitchen Produce

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