Kue Lapis Sagu

2009 June 6
by linda

Kue Lapis Sagu is a multi-layered steam sweet with a tapioca starch flour based. Kue lapis Sagu could be found in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and some other Asian countries. Similar stories to Klepon, it is really hard to know where the exact country of origin is. This recipe is the Indonesian style, but I guess the taste is pretty similar to other Asian countries of Kue Lapis Sagu.

Kue Lapis Sagu could also be made from a mixture of tapioca starch flour and rice flour. However, it depends on your liking. I love mine to be as chewy and elastic as possible, so I used only tapioca starch flour. You could use your imagination in terms of the layer coloring. It could be original, pandan, cocoa, or any artificial  food coloring. I like mine to be as natural as possible, so I usually use original and pandan, or original and cocoa.

The first time I made Kue lapis Sagu was 6 years ago. I was not that familiar with the word ‘cooking’. I tried it anyway and made a big mistake. I did not cook each layer long enough and each layer was still raw in the middle, and I realized that after the cake was out of the tin. Big disaster and I panicked, so I throw them back to the tin to steam them again. It was useless really, I steamed it for more than half an hour and nothing really happened. They are still raw and I could see it on every layer. I tried another way to rescue them, which was to cut them into slices, and bake them every time I want to eat. Too much work, and I gave up and just eat them slightly raw. It was still good although you could taste the floury part. I couldn’t handle the reality of throwing them out in the bin. Time passed by, I ended up with selling them in few Indonesian and Malaysian festivals in Sydney a few years ago, and they turned out to be a hit. So I am really pleased of myself.

Kue Lapis Sagu


  • 1000 gr tapioca starch flour (or 750 gr of tapioca starch flour and 250 gr of rice flour)
  • 750 gr sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla powder
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2400 cc coconut milk (or extracting from 4 coconuts)
  • pandan leave
  • oil for brushing the baking pan
  • food coloring according to your preferences


  1. Boil the sugar and coconut milk with pandan leave. Set aside to cool.
  2. Mix the flour, vanilla powder, and salt in a big bowl.
  3. Pour in the cooled coconut mixture into the bowl. Stir until well combined. If there are lumps, try to break them off and use the strainer.
  4. Divide the mixture to color according to your preferences.
  5. Spoon in the mixture into the prepared baking dish (approximately 1 cup, according to your baking dish). Steam for at least 15 minutes. Do the same things until the mixture is gone.
  6. Let it sit in the pan overnight.
  7. Cut it using a well oiled knife.

Preparation time (minutes): 90

Culinary Tradition: Indonesian

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You!!!

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4 Responses leave one →
  1. 2010 January 3
    Linling permalink

    Hi Linda,

    Bisa pake coconut milk powder atau canned coconut? Thank you.

    • 2010 January 3
      linda permalink

      Bisa pake coconut milk can, saya juga pake yang kalengan. Kalo mau pake yang coconut powder juga bisa kali, tapi belum pernah nyoba pake yang tepung sebelumnya. Tapi seharusnya bisa yah. Selamat mencoba

  2. 2011 February 17
    hello permalink

    enak tuh

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