Stir Fried Broccolini in Oyster Sauce

2010 September 9
by linda

Every time broccolini is on special, I buy them. I absolutely love and adore this green thing. I regret that I only bought two bunches. I will definitely buy more when they are on special. Even my husband (who is not usually a herbivore) starts to keep an eye on the broccolini price when he does the grocery shopping. He told me the other day that the broccolini was almost $4 for a small bunch (now he is my groceries man).

I usually cook my broccolini using an oyster sauce, or just as simple as using only garlic. You could add prawns with the garlic combination.


  • 2 bunch of broccolini
  • 1 chilli, sliced
  • 2 garlic clove, minced
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce (more or less)
  • water
  • oil for stir frying


  1. Heat oil in the wok. Add in garlic and stir until the fragrance is out.
  2. Add in broccolini and stir about 1-2 minutes..
  3. Add in oyster sauce and do a quick stir (you could add more to add the saltiness)
  4. Add water 1 tbsp at the time to prevent burning. Stir for 1-2 minutes and serve.

Culinary tradition: Chinese

Please leave your comment/suggestion if you find this recipe useful. Can’t wait to hear from you and Thank You !!!

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One Response leave one →
  1. 2010 September 9

    i love broccolini as well – so easy to chop and throw into a stir fry, or they’re great just steamed by themselves. the problem i find with getting them from coles is that they often go soft really quickly in the fridge which is annoying..

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